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Metagenics - UltraFlora Balance 30s

Regular price R 345.00
Regular price Sale price R 345.00
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Introducing Metagenics UltraFlora Balance, a dairy-free blend of highly viable L. acidophilus NCFM and B. lactis Bi-7 strains. Support a healthy intestinal environment and stimulate immune health with this friendly bacteria formula. Perfect for anyone looking to improve their overall wellness.


Boost gut health and immunity with dairy-free probiotic blend, UltraFlora Balance.


- L. acidophilus NCFM - B. lactis Bi-7

*ALLERGENS Please check ingredients list for any compounds you may have an allergy or hypersensitivity to.


Recommended Usage: Take one capsule one to two times daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Storage: Our probiotics are living microorganisms and require proper care to remain healthy. They are stored in a specially constructed ecosystem that is kept cool and dry, with temperatures around 2°C. Metagenics has performed tests to ensure the probiotics can withstand extreme temperatures, and they can survive anything below 50°C for a few days. Upon receipt, please store the probiotics as indicated on their bottle to ensure they remain happy, healthy, and effective for you

  • Brew your Colon Care Enema Coffee

    or, if not using coffee, boil fresh water in the kettle and allow it to cool.

  • Connect the hose to the Colon Care enema bag, and pour your coffee or cooled boiled water into the bag.

  • Hang your bag from a high point like the bathroom or shower door so gravity can do it's thing. *Ensure the hose is free of any air bubbles before using.

  • Using a lubricant, while lying on your left side, insert the nozzle into your bum, allowing the blend or water to flow. Controlling flow with the tap.

  • Water enemas can be released immediately by sitting on the toilet. Try to hold the coffee enema for as long as possible. It takes time to build up to the ideal time of 20 minutes.

  • Remember to clean your kit with a steriliser after every use. *One kit per person is required as sharing is non-negotiable.